Members of the CNTN teach on the various degree programmes offered by the Faculty of Biology, Medicine & Health and the Faculty of Science & Engineering at the University of Manchester

The CNTM offers this bespoke and research-focused, one-year Master’s programme in the field nanotechnology for medicine with the newly launched
MSc in Nanomedicine by Research
All CNTM faculty members and senior scientists design, coordinate, and deliver this course and aim to offer a unique experience to students interested in spending one year embedded within one of the CNTM Labs. The philosophy of this MSc programme is to cultivate students that would like to explore a research career in nanomedicine.
The course is particularly suitable for students interested in exploring the possibility of a further research career in nanotechnology for medicine.
Apply here
CNTM members contribute to teaching, training and education in most biomedical degree types levels. Some examples include:
- Pharmacy (MPharm Year 4 – Advanced Pharmaceutical Sciences)
- Medicine (MBChB, PEP/APEP in Years 1, 2 and 3)
- Biological Sciences (Year 2 and final year lab research project)

- MRes Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine
- MRes Translational Medicine
- MSc Molecular Pathology
- MSc Pharmaceutical Technology and Quality Assurance

- Centre for Doctoral Training Graphene NOWNANO
- The Advanced Biomedical Materials Centre for Doctoral Training

All Nanomedicine Lab members are regularly contributing to various activities that aim to inform and educate the public, from primary school students to science festival goers, about nanotechnology used in biological and medical sciences.