Dr. Thomas Kisby

Research Fellow
NanoTherapeutics Lab Leader


Tom obtained a BSc in Medical Sciences at the University of Leeds in 2015. During his studies, he conducted an industrial placement year at MedImmune (Astra Zeneca) investigating novel bio-therapies for inflammatory liver disease and fibrosis. On returning to Leeds he completed his final year lab project researching the effect of antioxidant system inhibitors in cancers of the brain and nervous system.

Tom joined the Nanomedicine Lab as a PhD student funded by the EPSRC & MRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Regenerative Medicine at the University of Manchester. His PhD project investigated in vivo cell reprogramming as a strategy to enhance tissue repair and regeneration using adenoviral vectors for gene tranfer. In December 2019 he was recruited as a postdoctoral researcher funded by an EPSRC International Centre-to-Centre of Excellence grant between the Universities of Manchester and Harvard.

He started developing the NanoTherapeutics Lab in June 2021 investigating the application of 2D and other nanomaterials for cancer immunotherapy and has obtained funding from the Wellcome Trust TPA Projects for Translation (P4T) scheme. He is a Research Fellow and leader of the NanoTherapeutics Lab since 2024.